Thursday, May 30, 2013

Good Women are for Good Men.

The title stated was from this Surah An - Nuur (The light) Verse 26
Dup Dap Dup Dap. Just like heart beat during commas. Counting days!
It's all about this actor wedding day. Who is the actor? If you watched "Sebenarnya, Saya Isteri Dia!", you'll know who is he. Hmm, let it be a secret first, later on I'll tell you guys.
On this June 2nd, 2013 it gonna be a memorable day for him and also his future wife and maybe for all his fans. He's getting married okay! anddd Not to forget, on that day, he'll also turn to the age of 23 years. Still young!
From a manager to a wife! Wow, that's great. Alhamdulillah. So yeah, let's change from "Sebenarnya, Saya Isteri Dia!" to "Sebenarnya, Awin Nurin Isteri Izzue Islam!" Aren't this cool? Of course :)
...Photo Roll...
PokJu & MokJu

The Invitation Card of PokJu & MokJu! XD
 This is our Raja Sehari! Bak kata pepatah Melayu, "bagai pinang dibelah dua"
Congratulation to our charming Muhammad 'Izzul Islam & gorgeous Nurinafilah ;)
Soon, their status gonna be like this;

Izzue Islam   Awin Nurin

Ya Allah Ya Tuhan Kami
"Satukanlah hati kedua mempelai ini seperti Engkau satukan hati Adam & Hawa, Yusuf & Zulaikha dan seperti Engkau satukan hati Muhammad S. A. W & Siti Khadijah. Kami  memohon doa restuMu, Berkatilah majlis pasangan ini dan semoga Majlis pasangan ini berjalan dengan sempurna sepertimana yang Engkau kehendaki dan semoga jodoh perkahwinan pasangan ini berkekalan buat selama - lamanya hingga ke akhir hayat."
Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen...
Last but not least;

Brother, wishing you a birthday filled with sweet moments and wonderful memories to cherish always! May beauty and happiness surround you today and beyond! Lastly, may god adds more glory to your life! Happy Advanced 23rd Birthday abang Izzue Islam. Always succeed in your career. #isihatianokkelate #Izzuezers
M ;) ×●